STAC and Sierra Fiddle Camp launch the #STACbottlechallenge!
Sierra Fiddle Camp and the Sustainable Touring Arts Coalition challenge you and your event to give up single-use plastic bottles and to spread the word through your own musical contribution or video.
What to do:
1. Commit to reusable beverage receptacles!
2. Change your venue/festival/camp policy to “bring your own” OR if you’re an artist, rewrite your backstage rider to “No plastic water bottles and no disposable cups please. We’ll bring our own.”
3. Show us what you’ve done! Make your own low-tech video of this song (click here for lyrics) or write a new song. Post it and tag #STACbottlechallenge.
4. Tag 3 friends or events and invite them to join the challenge.
Thanks to Sierra Fiddle Camp, the Sierra Fiddle Camp campers, and videographers extraordinaires Jon Luini and Amy Luper for making this fabulous video!!